Long Term Investment for Retirement | Long Term Investment Strategy

Long Term Investment for Retirement | Long Term Investment Strategy

Investing, Retirement
There are many investment strategies you can use to invest your money. One of the best strategies is to invest your money for the long term.  A long term investment for retirement relies on receiving the average market return by investing at regular intervals for many years (10+, 20+, 30+, 40 + years). A realistic investor knows the market can drop and rise by large amounts at any time.  By having a long term investment for retirement, you can ride out the markets lows to receive the average return.  Too many people miss out on large returns because they only invest for the short term, and sell their investment too early!  Here are some tips on building a successful long term investment portfolio: Diversify – It’s extremely important to diversify your long term investment portfolio to reduce any risk one particular…
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Rule of 72 – When Will Your Money Double?

Rule of 72 – When Will Your Money Double?

Want to know how long it will take for your invested money to double?  The Rule of 72 is an easy way to calculate how many years it will take until your money doubles.  The Rule of 72 shows the powerful impact of compounding interest, the hidden force behind growing wealth. How to calculate The Rule of 72 72 ÷ rate of return = years for money to double For example, if you are expected to get a 12% return in the market, you take the number 72 ÷ 12 = 6 years for your money to double.  This means every 6 years the total amount in your account doubles! Following these calculations, you can see the effect of 3% rate of return, 6% rate of return, and 12% rate…
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Investing in Stocks – 10 Tips for Success

Investing in Stocks – 10 Tips for Success

Investing in stocks can be very risky and volatile if you don't know what you're doing. Understanding the fundamental principles when it comes to investing in stocks is essential for your success. With all the different ways to invest in stocks, investor have more choices than ever to choose from. Here are 10 tips for investing in stocks that will assist you in achieving your investing goals. 10 Tips for Investing in Stocks 1. Different Ways to Invest in Stocks Besides buying individual stocks and owning them, you can also purchase stock indirectly through a variety of investment funds.  When you buy a mutual fund, you (and other small investors) are investing in a portfolio of stocks created by a professional money manager.  If you don’t have any knowledge of investing,…
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Why Should I Invest?

Why Should I Invest?

If you are asking yourself "Why should I invest?" you're in the right spot. At InvestMoneyRight.com our focus is to educate you on the importance of investing and managing your money responsibly. Let me start with my definition of investing:  Postponing current spending for a higher level of future spending.  Simply put, you invest your money so your money grows and becomes more money than you started with…a lot more! Sounds good, right? So how does your money grow? When you invest your money, you’re investing in companies that use the money to help the company grow and make more money (profits).  By investing money in the company you take ownership in that company - this is why your money can grow.  You get shares in the company’s profits! This also…
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